
The SAIT LAW library promotes intellectual development and creativity by developing its collections, facilitating access to information resources, trained the effective use of library resources and develop the research activity. The library is committed to student success by supporting education and research through services that provide convenient, reliable, and purposeful access to information resources for the entire reader community providing right information to the users at the right time and in the right format.

To be a strategic asset for the college, providing intellectual leadership and extraordinary information experiences towards the advancement of knowledge.


  • The Library strives for Excellence in Learning and Research.
  • By Providing high-quality services that meet and exceed the expectations of a diverse user Community.
  • By Empowering users to Locate, Evaluate and use information available in a variety of Innovative and Traditional formats.
  • By Developing and maintaining collections in support of the Academic pursuits of the College.
  1. Reference Library
  • Reference books are not to be removed from the library. Students can read them in the library itself & get the material photocopied if required in the Library itself.
  1. Students Library
  • Students get books issued against their I-card.
  • I-cards are not to be lent or exchanged.
  • Books from the College library are issued to the students on days assigned for the different classes.
  • Two books are issued at a time for a period of 15 days. Books may be reissued for another 10 days provided they are not demanded by other students.
  • Failure to return a book on expiry of due date will involve the payment of a fine of Rs. 1 per day.
  • All library books must be returned 15 days before the examination.
  • No dues are done at the time of clearance.

  Instructions for Students

  • No marks or inscriptions of any kind may be made in any book of the library.
  • If a book is lost it must be replaced or the full price of the book paid.
  • Journals and magazines are to be read in reading room.
  • Students must maintain silence and discipline in the library