

Syllabus LL.B.

First Semester

  • Paper- | Law of Contract
  • Paper-ll Constitutional Law of India-I
  • Paper-lll General Legal English
  • Paper-IV Environmental Laws of India
  • Paper-V Indian Penal Code-l
  • Paper-VI Human Rights &
  • International Law

Second Semester

  • Paper- | Law of Torts Consumer , Protection Act, 1986
  • Paper- II Indian Penal Code- Il
  • Paper – lll Law of Evidence
  • Paper – IV Land Law in M.P
  • Paper -V Law of Property-I
  • Paper – VI Law Relating to Women, Children, Poverty and their development

Third Semester

  • Paper – | Legal Theory 100 36 (Jurisprudence Comparative Law)
  • Paper – Il Law of Property -||
  • Paper – lll Criminal Law-|
  • Paper – IV Public Interest Layering, Legal AID and Para Legal Services.
  • Paper— V Constitutional Law of India
  • Paper— VI Equity Trust Specific relief and Other Fiduciary obligation.

Fourth Semester

  • Paper -| Family Law-|
  • Paper-Il Labour Law
  • Paper -1ll Professional Ethics, Accountability for Lawyers and Bar Bench Relations
  • Paper – IV Law of Contract – II
  • Paper – V Administrative Law
  • Paper – VI Criminal Law – II

Fifth Semester

  • Paper- | Code of Civil Procedure-|
  • Paper- Il Family Law-Il
  • Paper – lll Company Law and Indian Partnership Act.
  • Paper – IV Legislative Drafting & Interpretation Statutes
  • Paper – V Law of Taxation
  • Paper – VI Criminology, Penology and Criminal Administration.

Sixth Semester

  • Paper – | Code of Civil Procedure – II Limitation Act
  • Paper — II Drafting, Pleading & Conveyancing
  • Paper – Ill Moot Court, Trial Proceeding & Practical Training
  • Paper – IV Forensic Science, Handwriting & Finger Print Science
  • Paper – V Socio – Economic Offences
  • Paper -VI The Arbitration and Conciliation Law of India.

Syllabus B.A. LL.B.

First Semester

  • General English
  • Political Science-I (Major)
  • History-l Minor
  • Economics- I Minor
  • Law of Torts
  • Law of Contract

Second Semester

  • English Literature
  • Political Science-Il Major
  • History-Il Minor
  • Economics-Il Minor
  • Special Contract
  • Constitution-|

Third Semester

  • Political Science – lll (Major)
  • History-lll(Minor)
  • Hindi/French Language-l
  • Company Law
  • Family Law-I (Hindu Law)
  • Jurisprudence

Fourth Semester

  • Political Science – IV (Major)
  • Economics-lll (Minor)
  • Hindi/French Language-ll
  • Constitution II
  • Administrative Law
  • Family Law Il (Muslim Law)

Fifth Semester

  • Political Science-IV (Major)
  • Hindi/French Language-lll
  • Environmental Law
  • Labour & Industrial Law-l
  • Law of Crimes-|
  • Intellectual Property

Sixth Semester

  • International Relation & Organization (Major)
  • Legal Language & Legal Writing
  • Civil Procedure Code & Limitation Act
  • Labour & Industrial Law-Il
  • Law of Crimes-Il
  • Interpretation of Statues

Seventh Semester

  • Property Law
  • Human Rights Law & Practice
  • Media & Law
  • Banking Law, Forensic Science/International Organization
  • Drafting Pleading & Conveyancing

Eighth Semester

  • Law of Evidence
  • Gender justice & Feminist-Jurisprudence
  • Health Law
  • Investment & Security Laws/Penology & Victimology/ International Human Rights
  • Professional ethics and accounting system outline of the course: Professional ethics, accounting for lawyers & bar bench relation (Clinical Course)

Ninth Semester

  • Principles of Taxation
  • Local Self Government-including Panchayat Administration
  • Direct Taxation/Probation & Parole/Maritime Law
  • Insurance Law/ Offence against Child & Juvenile/ Private International Law
  • Alternative Dispute resolution (Clinical Course) 

Tenth Semester

  • Public International Law
  • Right to Information-2005
  • Indirect Taxation/ Comparative Criminal Procedure/Humanitarian Refugee Law
  • Information technology Law/Women & Criminal Law/ International Environment Law
  • Moot Court ( Clinical Course)