Year of Establishment – 2023
Cultural society was established in the year 2004.It plays a vital role in organizing cultural events namely Inter-Collegiate Youth Festival organized by the RDVV university, Inter-Collegiate Rotary Talent Night organized by the Rotary Club (South),Annual Social Gathering. Besides this, members of the society constantly help and assets others in organizing events such as Independence Day, IRF celebrations etc.


“To develop the hidden talents of the student members”. The group through its extension activities tries to create high moral social and cultural values within its members.

To impart higher quality skills in all art forms by undertaking various cultural activities and provide platform to explore hidden talents among the students.

We the members of cultural society aim to create and facilitate an environment for enhancing innate potential, satisfy the emotions and instincts through imparting training in different skills, self reliance and humanitarianism  to mould the youth to build a better world.

To promote Indian culture and its values

To ensure holistic development of the students, to inculcate awareness about Indian culture and heritage among the members and in community, to contribute to the multicultural makeup of the students through participation in various cultural events i.e. fine arts, literary, and performing arts like dance, drama and music etc.

Committee Members

  • Ms. Soumya Jain
  • Mr. Nishant Jain
  • Mrs. Varsha Dixit


It plays a vital role in organizing cultural events namely

  • State Youth Festival organized by Rani Durgavati University Jabalpur M.P. and Sponsored by Department of Higher Education M.P. and
  • National Youth Festival Organized by different Universities in collaboration with Association of Indian Universities and Sponsored by Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports, Govt. of India.
  • Inter-Collegiate Rotary Talent Fest organized by the Rotary Club (South) Jabalpur M.P.
  • Annual Social Gathering in college.
  • Besides this, members of the society constantly help and assets others in organizing events such as Independence Day, Republic Day etc. The group through its extension activities tries to create high moral social and cultural values within its members.

Independence Day and Republic Day Celebration

  1. Comparing, Speech, Patriotic Dances, Patriotic Songs, Skit, Mime, Selection through Competition.

Social Gathering in the month of 23rd December every year

  1. Comparing, Dances, Songs, Drama, Skit, Mime, Mimicry, Selection through Competition and presentation of winner events in youth festival.

Fr. Permuzha Cultural Scholarship

  1. Scholarship would be given to the students who have excelled in cultural activities as follows:
    1. International level- 100%
    2. National level- 50%
    3. University/State level- 25%